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Server Events

Events are a custom network message that send no information over the network. Use-cases of this class are things like invoking of custom effects, or any other temporary and in-the-moment actions.

Server Events are a sub-class of events that can only be used on the server/host.


Any clients attempting to run actions/methods from the server event class will result in nothing happening.

Any clients attempting to invoke events from the server events class will result in errors.


The method of constructing an event instance/object is simple; all that needs to be specified for events is the identifier.

LethalServerEvent customServerEvent = new LethalServerEvent(identifier: "customIdentifier");


This identifier will be shared between server and client events of the mod.

Any other mods with the same identifier or any messages or variables of the same identifier will not interact with your event.


There are three available methods to use on your Server Event.

Invoke All Clients

The most commonly used method is .InvokeAllClients(bool receiveOnHost = true). This will invoke all Client Events (including the host by default) with the same identifier. To use, simply do the following:

  • (Optional) receiveOnHost defines whether the event should be received on the host client as well.


It is highly recommended to leave receiveOnHost as true and instead program your event/method to be received on all clients instead of every client but the host.

Invoke a Specific Client

A much less commonly used, but still important, method is .InvokeClient(ulong clientId). This will invoke the Client Event of the specified client. For example, to invoke the Client Event for a client from their PlayerControllerB, one can do the following:


Invoke Specific Clients

The least commonly used method is to invoke specific clients: .InvokeClients(IEnumerable<ulong> clientIds). This will invoke the Client Events of the specified clients.

customServerEvent.InvokeClients(new List<ulong> { 0, 1 })


Because the parameter is an IEnumerable<ulong>, you can send any list, collection, or array as a parameter.


There is one event to subscribe to in order to receive events from clients. OnReceived will have one parameter passed along, ulong originatorClientId. This is the client Id of the client who invoked the server via a Client Event of the same identifier.

customServerEvent.OnReceived += ReceiveFromClient;

private void ReceiveFromClient(ulong clientId) 


You can get the PlayerControllerB from a client Id by using the GetPlayer extension method.